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Webinar Presentations

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Webinars are the latest trend. They are convenient for both the audience and the presenters and can be used for numerous topics and scenarios, such as online marketing, lead generationbrand building, or content delivery. A webinar is a versatile tool that reflects the current zeitgeist. However, the webinar is still a relatively new medium, and its planning and execution can be painful for many. Here is helpful information about the uniqueness of a webinar and what you need to consider when creating one.

What exactly is a webinar, and what makes it unique?

webinar is a presentation that is delivered over the internet. Unlike a video posted elsewhere, the webinar happens in real-time, with the participants’ involvement. Participants are engaged in the webinar through various interactive word tools – short surveys, quizzes, or question and answer periods. A webinar can serve various purposes; most commonly, it is used for content delivery, but sometimes it serves another purpose, such as being part of a marketing campaign.

How does a webinar work?

Webinars require an online platform. Zoom, Skype, or Microsoft Teams are popular options. Participants ought to use compatible programs. Recommended, but not a must, is using a camera so the audience can see the presenter.

The webinar presentation: Just a typical presentation?

So a webinar presentation does not differ from a regular presentation, right? Yes and no. PowerPoint is likewise a good choice for webinars.

Webinars can also share media web content such as files or videos. You require to understand these unique features to ensure your webinar is successful. So here are the critical differences between presentations in person and virtual space.

1. Communicating is different

It is something that no one should underestimate. In a face-to-face presentation, communication goes far beyond what is said. The audience and the presenter are in the same room and can see each other. Facial expressions, gestures, and eye contact are essential communication tools. Even though you can achieve a lot with video technology, it cannot replace direct, face-to-face interaction. That makes the content and the way it is presented more critical. At the same time, the voice is becoming increasingly important. Pay attention to the tone of voice to avoid a boring presentation.

2. Informal environment

Several components are comparable, yet the digital space supplies many unique functions. At home or in the workplace, things are a bit different. There is always a certain amount of formality in a face-to-face presentation, and there is usually little opportunity to be distracted. If a webinar is dry and slow, it’s tempting to take a quick look at the documents or write an email on the side. It is therefore essential to emphasize the value and significance of the webinar and structure it accordingly.